Energy Outreach Colorado
225 East 16th Ave Suite 200, Denver, Colorado 80203
Energy Outreach Colorado was established in 1989 as the only non-profit, 501(c)3 in the state that raises funds to help thousands of low-income Coloradans afford home energy and remain warm and safe in their homes. With the help of partner assistance organizations and subcontractors across the state, we provide heating bill assistance, emergency home furnace repair and grants to improve the energy efficiency of non-profit and affordable housing facilities.
Because of our expertise in consumer energy issues, we lead the state in pursuing affordable energy policies with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, the Colorado General Assembly and gas and electric distribution companies. We have helped pass legislation by raising millions of dollars for energy assistance, and our intervention in utility rate cases has resulted in substantial savings for rate payers.
Energy Outreach Colorado was created by the Colorado Commission on Low-Income Energy Assistance in response to the uncertainty of federal funding for the Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP). Since then, our organization has raised more than $191 million for energy assistance, energy efficiency grants for affordable housing and nonprofit facilities as well as energy education and advocacy.